Introducing KITHOUSE
Designing and constructing high performance, Passive House and Net Zero Energy homes in cold climates is challenging and has been elusive at an affordable price. KITHOUSE puts high-performance housing within reach of the mainstream market.
The KITHOUSE Premiere is a compact two bedroom home with all of the amenities expected but with one notable thing missing - energy bills. Exceptional attention to energy efficiency in the design of this home has allowed for a modest sized, roof-mounted solar energy array to generate as much energy as this home will consume throughout the year. At the core of the design is a super-insulated foam-free building envelope, that provides year-round comfort and exceptional energy efficiency even in the harshest of climates with a small environmental footprint.
KITHOUSE is shipped as a ready to assemble kit with all components pre-cut, and pre-marked for fast, easy, and accurate site construction. There are three construction options: Built by the owner, built cooperatively by the owner and KITHOUSE staff or built entirely by KITHOUSE staff. These options allow for the purchaser to choose the option that fits their needs and budget.
"We eagerly await the reaction to our KITHOUSE Premiere. Achieving such low energy housing without a cost premium has been a tireless pursuit. We feel we really have achieved something special that will hopefully take us one step closer to more sustainably inhabiting our earth... particularly the cold parts!"
Eric Bjornson, President of Sundial Building Performance and lead designer of the KITHOUSE Premiere
Virtual Tour
Kithouse Premiere Floorplan

Performance Details